Poetry Books :
Broken Images. New Delhi: Samkaleen Prakashan, 1983.
Cargoes of the Bleeding Hearts & Other Poems. Kolkata: Golden India Publications, 1984.
 (ed.) The Poetry of Himachal Pradesh. Aska: Poetry Publications, 1984.
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Perceptions. Maranda: Kanta Sahitya Prakashan, 1986.
Gyrating Hawks & Sinking Roads. Maranda: Kanta Sahitya Prakashan, 1996.
Before the Petals Unfold. Maranda: Poetcrit Publications, 2002.
This Promising Age & Other Poems. Maranda: Poetcrit Publications, 2004.
­­­­­­­­­­Collected Poems : 1979 - 2004. Maranda: Poetcrit Publications, 2004.
Mellow Tones. Baltimore: PublishAmerica, 2009.
Words. Jaipur: Aadi Publications, 2012.
Words: 1979-2010 (A Collection of Poems). Jaipur: Aadi Publications, 2012.

Secondary Sources: Criticism – Critical Essay in Books and Journals :
1.    Reddy, T.V., ed. The Poetry of D.C. Chambial: Essays in Evaluation. Maranda: Poetcrit Publications, 2007.
2. The Poetry of D.C. Chambial: Views, Reviews and Comments. Vol. II. Maranda: Poetcrit Publications, 2008.
3. Dominic, K.V. Ed. Critical Perspectives on the Potery of RK Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Delhi: Access an Imprint of AuthorsPress, 2011. [This book has  15 articles on Chambial's Poetry.]

A. Articles in Books
1.       Banerjee,  Mandira & Rajni Singh. “D. C. Chambial as a Poet of Social Reality.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 152 – 169.
2.       Barche, G.D. “D. C. Chambial: ‘A Poem’.” Understanding Poetry: A Stylistic Study. Jaipur: Saraswati Publishers and Distributors, 2005. Pp. 153-158.
3.       Bhatia, H.S. ‘More Contemporary Poets: D. C. Chambial.’ Social Reality in Indian English Poetry.New Delhi/Noida: Oriox Publications, 1994. Pp. 88-89.
4.       Bhatt, Dilip. ‘Combatant Non-Compliant: A Study of DC Chambial’s Poetry.’
5.       ---. “Unfolding Ultimate Truth: A Critical Appraisal of D.C. Chambial's Poetic Oeuvre.”  Indian English Poetry: A Discovery. Eds. C.L. Khatri, Sudhir K. Arora. Jaipur: Aadi Publications, 2010. Pp. 215-22.
6.       Dominic, K.V. “The Poetry of D.C. Chambial: A Brook from the Himalayas.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: ACCESS (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp: 97- 106.
7.       Dwivedy, B.C.  “Stykistics in D. C. Chambial's Poetry.” Thematics journal of Indian Literature 1.4 (Dec 2011): 38-41.
8.       Hussain, Sujaat. “Chambial's Poetry: A Spring of Enlightening Visions.” Explorations in Indian English Poetry. Ed. Jaydeep Sarangi. Delhi: AuthorsPress, 2007.  Pp: 193 – 200.
9.       Kannade, S. S. “D. C. Chambial: A Poet of Indian Sensibility.” Thematics journal of Indian Literature 1.4 (Dec 2011): 61-2.
10.    Kaushal, Priyanka. “Colonization of Woman in the Poetry of D. C. Chambial.” Indian Journal of Postcolonial Literatures 11.1 (June 2011): 178-83.
11.    Khera, Dr. S.K. Gyrating Hawks and Sinking Roads : A Vignette. Indian Book Chronicle 25. 10 (October 2000):12-16.]
12.    Kumar, Satendra. “The Poetry of D. C. Chambial: A Stylistic approach.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011 .Pp.: 132 – 151..
13.    Kumar, Tribhuvan. “Chambial's voices and Visions in The Promising Age and Other Poems: A Critical Appriasal.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 199 – 213.
14.    Mukhopadhyay, Aju. “Cry For the Beyond: The Poetry of D. C. Chambial.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 257 – 274.
15.    Nikam, Madhavi & Sudhir Nikam. “Chambial's This Promising Age: Experiences and Explorations.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 191 - 198.
16.    Pande, Shashi Nath. “The Poetic Sensibility of D.C. Chambial: A Critical Perspective.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 214 - 225.
17.    Pande, Suresh Chandra. “D. C. Chambial's Before the Petals Unfold: An Analytical Study.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 248 – 256.
18.    Prasad, P.V. Laxmi. “Philosophy of Life in the Poetry of D. C. Chambial.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 241 – 247.
19.    ---. “Symbolism in D. C. Chambial’s Poetry.” The Thematic Journal of English Criticism 1.1 (Nov 2011): 63-7.
20.    Prem, P.C.K. “D.C. “Chambial's Poetry: Intellectual Attitude to Life.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D. C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 107- 119.
21.    Prem, P.C.K. “Social Anxieties in the Poetry of D.C. Chambial.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 120 – 131.
22.    Rajput, Kalpana. “Death beyond the Borders of Despondency in the Poetry of D.C. Chambial and Mahendra Bhatnagar.” Indian Journal of Postcolonial Literatures 11.1 (June 2011): 122-31.
23.    Ram, Atma. “Four Bards from Kangra Valley.” Indian Poetry & Fiction in English. New Delhi: Bahri Publications, 1991.
24.    Rao, V.V.B.Rama. “Towards Maturation and Crystallisation: A Study of D. C. Chambial's Poetry.” Discourses on Contemporary Indian English Poets. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: GNOSIS (AuthorsPress), 2010. Pp. 151-64.
25.    Sarangi, Jaydeep. “An Interview with D. C. Chambial.” Explorations in Indian English Poetry. Ed. Jaydeep Sarangi.Delhi: AuthorsPress, 2007.  Pp: 221 – 235.
26.    Sehgal, Shishu Paul. “ Interview with D. C. Chambial.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 183 - 190.
27.    Sethi, Vijay Mohan. “The Poetry of D.C. Chambial: A Study in Technique and Imagery.” Indian Poetry in English: Old and New. (Eds.) O. P. Bhatnagar, R. A. Joshi. Jaipur: Rachana Prakashan, 1989. Pp. 74-80.
28.    Sharma, Nalini. “D. C. Chambial: A Poet with a Difference.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 233 - 240.
29.    Singh, R. K. “Some Recent Poems of Chambial.” Voices of the Present: Critical Essays on Some Indian English Poets. Jaipur: Book Enclave, 2006. Pp. 178-87.
30.    Tiwari, R. S. “Sober and Serious: The Poetry of Chambial.” Current Indian Creativity in English. Jaipur: Book Enclave, 2003: 104-111.
31.    Vani, K. “Undoing Violence and Oppression: A Thematic Study of Selected Poems of D. C. Chambial.” Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access (AuthorsPress), 2011. Pp.: 226 - 232.

B. Articles in Journals

1.                   Arora, Sudhir K. ‘Unmasking The Mask - A Note on Social Awareness in  Chambial’s Poetry.’ Kohinoor 2.1 [June 2007] 72-79.
2.                   Barche, Dr. Akhilesh. “Gyrating Hawks and Sinking Roads: A Study.”  Replica 1.4 (Oct. –Dec. 1998).  
3.                   Barche, Dr. Akhilesh. “Poetry of Discovery of Despair and Decay.” Indian Bok Chronicle 32.10 (October 2007): 11.
4.                   Cauveri, Prof. B. Gyrating Hawks & Sinking Roads : A Critical Appreciation. Poet 48.5 (May 2007): pp. 60-63.
5.                   Choudhary, Dr A. K.. “Keats’ Influences on D. C. Chambial.” Critical Studies on Indian English Literature. Jaipur: Pointer Publishers, 2010. Print. [139-144]
6.                   Choudhary, Dr. A. K. “D. C. Chambial as a Romantic Poet.” Kohinoor. 3.1 (January 2008) 24-27.
7.                   Dwivedy, B.C.  “Man the Helpless Serf: Chambial’s Poetry from Human to Divine.” Replica 7.2-4 (April – Dec. 2004): 74 - 79. [Vol. VII, Nos. 2-4 (Aril – Dec. 2004).]
8.                   Dwivedy, B.C. “D. C. Chambial’s Poetic Style: A Note.” Points of View 15.2 (Winter 2008): 112-17.
9.                   Dwivedy, B.C. “Foregrounding in Chambial’s Poetry.” Triveni 70.2 (April-June 2001): 24-26.
10.                Gill, Dr. Kulwant Singh. Gyrating Hawks and Sinking Roads : A Bridge to the Beyond.   Poetcrit 12.1 (Jan. 1999).
11.                Gopal Dass (Ralhan). ‘D.C. Chambial: A Poet of Suffering Humanity.’ Creative Writing and Criticism 4.2 (April 2007): 99-105.
12.                Hussain, Dr. Sujaat. “Chambial’s Poetry: A Spring of Enlightening Visions.” POET  June 2006:   52-58.
13.                Juneja, Anita. “Chambial’s Before the Petals Unfold: A Study.” Shodh Prakalp, 31. 2 (April-June 2005): 7-9.
14.                Kahol, Ajay. “Anger Expression in the Poetry of D.C. Chambial.” Language Forum 21.1-2 (Jan.-Dec. 1995): 189-194.
15.                Kamra, Dr. Shashi Prabha. ‘Gyrating Hawks and Sinking Roads : The Poetic Experience – An Appreciation.’ Indian Book Chronicle 32.10 (October 2007): 10.
16.                Kannade, Dr. S. S. & Dr. Nandkumar Lavande. “An Interview with D. C. Chambial.”  Viswabharati 1.1 (March 2011): 93-97.
17.                Kannade, S.S. and D.S. Birajdar. “Aquinessence of Morality: A Study of D. C. Chambial's Before the Petals Unfold.” Themaatics Journal of Indian Literature 1.1(March 2011) : 85-86.
18.                Myles, Anita. “The Theme of Affirmation and Sanguinity in the Poetry of D.C. Chambial.”
19.                Pande , Suresh Chandra. “The Poetry of DC Chambial: A Flaavour and Fragrance.” Writers Editors Critics 1.2 (Sept. 2011). Print. [147 – 152]
20.                Pande, Suresh Chandra. “Before the Petals Unfold: An Analytical Appraisal.” Cyber Literature 14.2 (Dec. 2004): 39-46.
Points of View (Summer 2006). [Points of View 13.1 (Summer 2006)].
21.                Prem, PCK. “Social Anxieties in the Poetry of D. C. Chambial.”  Critical Studies on Indian English Literature. Jaipur: Pointer Publishers, 2010. Print. [119-129]
22.                Rama Rao, K. V.  D. C. Chambial’s ‘A Poem’ : A Symbolistic View.” Triveni  66.3  (July-Sept. 1997):  3.
23.                Rama Rao, V.V.B. “Toward Maturation and Crystallization: A Study of D. C. Chambial’s Poetry”. Indian Journal of Postcolonial Literatures. No. 10 (Jan – Jun 2008): 50-65.
24.                Sachar, Dr. Suman. “Chambial’s Poetry : A Quest for Eros in the Wilderness.” The Quest, Vol. 13, No.2 (Dec. 1999), Pp. 37-41
25.                Singh, Dr. Mahesh Prasad. “Before the Petals Unfold: An Appraisal.”  Triveni (April-June, 2005):  pp. 45-48.
26.                Singh, Jasvinder. “Chambial’s Poetry: A Peep through Life and Nature.”  Art & Poetry 30.4 (Oct. 2005). Also published in Eternity  (2007)
27.                Singh, N. P. “Inferno and Millennium in D.C. Chambial’s Poetry.” Indian Book Chronicle 28.10 (Oct. 2003).
28.                Singh, Shaleen Kumar. “Efflux of Esoteric Philosophy in the Poetry of DC Chambial.”  Indian Book Chronicle
29.                Yadav, Anil Kumar. “Romantic Elements in D.C. Chambial's Poems.” Kohinoor  9.1 (2011): 63-67.
30.                Dwivedy, B.C. “Beauty and Delight: Quest in Two contemporary Poets.”  To be published yet

C. Articles Presented/Read in Seminar (s)
1.                   Reddy. Dr. T.V. “The Poetry of D.C. Chambial: A Study.” This paper was read in a UGC sponsored Seminar on Indian English Poetry at Dharamshala in Sept. 1986 (India).

D.        Articles/Comments in anthologies:
Raghupathi, K.V. Ed. Brave New Wave: 21 Indian English Poets. Jaipur: Book Enclave, 2009:  231-34.
Raja, P. And Rita Nath Keshari. Eds. “About the Poems of D.C. Chambial.” [Editorial observation]. Busy Bee Book of Contemporary Indian English Poetry. Pondicherry: Busy Bee Books, 2007: 320-25. [CV: 296-302; Poems: 302-320; Brief critique of these poems: 320-325

Reviews of Various Books:
1.                   Collected Poems. Jasvinder Singh. POETCRIT 18.2(July 2005): 115-17.
2.                   _____________. Patricia Prime. POETCRIT 19.1 (Jan.2006): 117-20.
3.                   _____________. Professor Premanand Kumar. JIWE 33.2(July 2005): 86-87. [Vol. 33, No. 2, July 2005 p. 86-87.]
4.                   _____________. Mukund R. Dave. POETCRIT 18.2 (July 2006): 116.
5.                   _____________. Patricia Prime. Shine: 19th issue 2006, pp. 44-48)
6.                   _____________. Tisha Roy (rpt from IBC May 2006: 14-15).
7.                   _____________. Dr. Premlata Verma. POETCRIT 20.2 (July 2007): 127-29.
8.                   Gyrating Hawks & Sinking Roads. PV Subramanium. POETCRIT 11.1 (Jan. 1998): 80-81.
9.                   ________. Patricia Prime. POETCRIT 11.2 (July 1998): 77-78.
10.                ________. Patricia Prime. SLUGFST, Ltd. (10th Anniversary Issue), X, 1&2, Winter-Spring 1999 - 2000.]
11.                ________. Dr. Kulwant Singh Gill. Poetcrit 12.1 (Jan. 1999): 92-93.
12.                ________. Dr RK Singh. POETCRIT 13.2 (July 2000): 85-86.
13.                ________. B. M.Jackson. . Metverse Muse  ( July - Dec ’99):132 - 33.
14.                ________. Dr. Akhilesh Barche.
15.                Perceptions.  A.A. Bijapure. POETCRIT 5.2 (July 1992): 46-48.
16.                _________. A. A. Bijapure. The Quest 6.1(June 1992): 45. [Vol.VI, No.1 (June 1992)]
17.                Before the Petals Unfold. Patricia Prime. POETCRIT 16.2 (July 2003): 124-27.
18.                ____________________.  Dr. Anita Myles. POETCRIT 16.2 (July 2004): 107-08.
19.                ____________________. Jasvinder Singh. National Herald, Saturday, June 21, 2003.
20.                ____________________. Kanwar Dinesh Singh. SHINE 17 (2004): 48-49].
Reviews of Broken Images
1.            Sunil Kumar Nag. Bharat Protiva, August 1983. Pp. 22-23.
2.            BC Mohanty Poetry rpt. From Poetry, 7, pp. 55-56.
3.            A. Russell. Poetry Times, XI, 1, p. 79.
4.            Nardeo Sharma. Skylark, 57, p. 34.
5.            Dr. SK Phull. Advance: a publication of Haryana Akademy of Arts & Literature

Reviews of Cargoes of Bleeding Hearts & Other Poems

1.             A. Russell. Poetry Time, XI, 2 (April - June, 1986), pp. 102-103.
2.             B.C. Mohanty. Poetry, 11 (1986).
3.             T.V. Reddy, Bharat Protiva, VIII,  8 (August 1984), pp. 19-20.

INTERVIEWS published in

1.             Agarwal, Dr. Nilanshu Kumar, Rae Bareli. (Online publication in museindia.com and worldviolet.net).
2.             “Poetry from the Innermost Recesses of Heart: An Interview with D. C. Chambial. SHINE 23 (2009): 26-29.
3.             Choudhary, Arbind K. Kohinoor.

4.             Dwivedi, Dr S. C.
5.             Kalahasti, Rajani. ‘Three Indian English Poets: A Concourse of Views.’ POETCRIT  20.1 (Jan. 2005). pp. 62-72.
6.          Kannade, Dr. S. S. & Dr. Nandkumar Lavande. “An Interview with D. C. Chambial.”  Viswabharati 1.1 (March 2011): 93-97.
7.             Ralhan, Gopal Das.
8.             Ram,  Atma. Interviews with Indian-English Poets. Calcutta: Writers Workshop, 1987. pp. 119-22.

9.         Sarangi, Dr. Jaydeep (ed.) ‘An Interview with D.C. Chambial.’ Explorations in Indian English Poetry. New Delhi: Authors Press, 2007. pp. 221-35.

10.   Sehgal, Shishu Paul. Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma. Ed. K.V. Dominic. Delhi: Access, 2011: 183- 90.

11.          Sharma, Anil K.. ‘Literary Legend Speaks.’ Contemporary Vives 1.4 (June-Sept. 2006). pp. 8-11.

12.          Shukla R.C.

13.          Dr. Sudhir K. Arora. Being published in Replica.

Research Work on Chambial’s Poetry:

1.    Dr. B. K. Dubey. in “How far Indian is Indian English Poetry”. D.Litt. Study of Indian English poetry.

2.   Ms. Saba Rizvi. “Social Reality in Indian English Poetry.” PhD work. She studied my poetry with some other poets of the 80s & 90s and received PhD from MGK University, Varanasi.
3.   Ms Deepti. “The Poetry of D. C. Chambial:  A Journey from the Human to the Divine.” Awarded PhD from MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, in Dec. 2007.
4.   Ms. Rajani Kalahasti. “Social Reality in the Poetry of I. K. Sharma, R. K. Singh and D. C. Chambial.” SV University, Tirupati, 2007.
5.    One student under the guidance of Dr Archana D. Tyagi from Roorkee has been working towards his PhD on Three Academician Poets: (Three poets and I am one of them).
6.    Gopal Ralhan. ‘Contemporary Living Indian English Poets: S.C. Dwivedi, D. C. Chambial, S. Nath and R. C. Shukla.’ Superviser: Dr. Anita Agrawal. CCS University, Meerut.
7.    Parthajit Ghosh. "A Stylistic Appraisal of the Selected Poems of D. C. Chambial." Research Supervisor: Dr. Madhoo Kamra, Pt. Ravi Shankar University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh). Registration: 2013.

    All the above scholars have studied/ have been studying the poetry as one of the poets in their research

    M. Phil Research Project
    1.    Mandira Bedi. Society and Culture in D. C. Chambial's Poetry. Superviser: Dr. Rajni Singh. ISM University. 2010.
    2.      About ten other have completed their MPhil on the poetry of DC Chambial.

    PhD On Chambial's Poetry alone:
    1.          Ms Deepti. “The Poetry of D. C. Chambial:  A Journey from the Human to the Divine.” MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly. Dec. 2007.
    2.                   Parthajit Ghosh. "A Stylistic Appraisal of the Selected Poems of D. C. Chambial." Pt. Ravi Shankar University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh). 2013.

    Independent Minor UGC Research Project:
     Dr. S. S. Kannade. The Poetic World of D C Chambial. UGC Project approved. Submitted in 2010.